Procurement 101

5 Ways Your Job Will Change With Procurement Software

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Majdi Sleimen

5 Ways Your Job Will Change With Procurement Software

Let's be honest. All it takes is a quick Google search about the benefits of procurement software and you'll never need to go hunting for these advantages again. This is mainly due to the fact that the same benefits keep appearing, repeated again and again, ad nauseam. You probably already know them: eliminate messy paperwork, increase transaction speed, reduce maverick spending, and the list goes on.

In an attempt to relieve your boredom and open the door to some possibilities that maybe haven't been considered, here are some unexpected ways your job could change after implementing procurement software. Call it the reverse cause-and-effect scenarios for purchasing.

  1. Effect: You'll notice an improvement in the quality of team building events and holiday parties, and/or employee bonuses might become more generous. Performance recognition programs may emerge out of nowhere, and staff wellness seminars will likely become a regular occurrence. Don't be surprised if you see a roving masseuse wandering between the cubicles.Cause: The long term reduction of corporate costs that transpires when procurement software is implemented. The savings generated from this business-savvy decision allow companies to channel their resources into more strategic initiatives that boost employee morale - resulting in happy, loyal, and productive staff members.
  2. Effect: Your knowledge of foreign currencies will increase with very little effort. You may suddenly find yourself consulting a globe to pinpoint the exact location of a city in Iceland. While in a meeting, the pronunciation of a company in Germany may amuse your team for a full five minutes, and coincidently, the coffee you're drinking is from a small farm in Ecuador.Cause: Procurement software enables buyers and suppliers all over the world to communicate and collaborate instantaneously. Supply chains are moving in new directions, which means sourcing opportunities are multiplying on a daily basis. These opportunities are available to organizations that choose to use software capable of meeting these intensifying demands.
  3. Effect: You might find yourself at the cottage sending a requisition or browsing through resort websites at the office. Are you confused about locations? Are you experiencing the effects of a concussion? Hallucinating? No! You simply have excess time, in both your personal and professional life. Tasks and responsibilities are managed intuitively and rationally, not by the clock and calendar.Cause: Cloud-based software allows users freedom from the confinements of doing business Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Increased flexibility promotes unique work environments that encourage efficiency. A procurement solution can take care of tedious tasks, empowering your team to be more innovative.
  4. Effect: You have an unshakable confidence about your work. But not only yourwork - your colleagues' work, your boss' work, and the performance of your suppliers! Reviewing audit reports no longer makes you want to take a prolonged vacation in the bathroom. You finally feel secure and optimistic about the growth trajectory of your organization.Cause: Procurement transparency has been attained through the use of software that provides complete reports for all phases of every transaction. Items purchased can be easily noted and monitored. Clear, unambiguous processes have also inspired a heightened understanding of business objectives, enabling everyone to "be on the same page" and pull in the same direction for corporate goals.
  5. Effect: Your department wins the monthly award for zero errors on any requisitions or purchase order forms. Strangely, your accuracy with other activities is also enhanced: you can now hit the bullseye in archery, walk along a fence rail without falling, and calculate the precise amount to tip an excellent waiter on a $246.72 dinner, sometimes fulfilling all three in the same day. You attribute these successes to your recent workplace recognition.Cause: Software designed to automatically search for items/suppliers, match invoices, and autofill your typing (if desired) has eliminated errors and the chance of repeating your efforts. Purchasing simplicity has resulted in a system that rivals a Japanese tea ceremony in its elegant functionality.

Do these scenarios cause you any adverse effects? If you want more details about how to simplify your procurement management, you'll have to contact us directly! Get started with some positive changes, ASAP. It's never too late to be pleasantly surprised.

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