
Setup & Configuration
Process Videos

What are tax codes, and where are they managed?

Tax codes are used to indicate price adjustments to individual line items on transactions, and can be included in the item details for a transaction when the “Taxes are applied per-item” option is selected under the company profile options.

To manage a company’s tax codes and/or add new tax codes:

  1. Click on the dropdown menu at the top right of the screen and select “Manage Company”
  2. Select “Tax Codes” from the panel on the left
  1. Select the “Add New Tax Code” option from the top right
  1. Enter the tax name, one or more tax components, and an optional description for the tax
  2. Click the “Save Tax Code” button to confirm and save the tax code.

One or more users can be granted the permission to manage tax codes. To do so, navigate to the branch’s user list (also accessed on the “Manage Branch” screen from the left panel), click the “Edit Permissions” button for a user from under the “Actions” column on the right, and under the “Administration” section, set the “Manage tax codes” option to “Allow”. Make sure to click “Save Permissions” at the bottom of the permission page to confirm and update the permission settings for the designated user(s).