
Setup & Configuration
Process Videos

How can the status of each supplier in a request be tracked?

The status for each supplier is tracked automatically as those suppliers respond to requests they receive. To track the status of each supplier:

  1. Select “Transactions” from the toolbar on the left, and click on “Requests"
  2. Locate and click on a request from the request overview listing page
  3. The status for each individual supplier will be automatically updated and displayed under the “Quotes” section of the request summary

Email notifications about status changes on a request can also be received by the user who initiated the request. To activate email notifications, a user must:

  1. Click on the dropdown menu at the top right of the screen, and select “My Profile”
  2. Select “Email Settings” from the panel on the left

  1. Check off the “Send me an email when an alert is received.” option
  2. Click on “Save Settings” to confirm and update user settings